Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18th, 2012

My dearest family and friends!!!! Helllo, I hope you all have had an exciting splendid week!!!! I sure do miss you all so much.
This week has been busy busy busy, thats all that life is now days is just busy!!!! I honestly wish i could slow time down and enjoy things, but we it just keeps movin and i just keep livin haha. So we have traveled alot this week, been to maryland and everwhere. And this week is going to be even more busier. We are hoping to go fishing next week with our recent converts husband :) cant wait i havent been fishing in a while!!!!
 So this week has been pretty good, I was able to go on exchanges and tract into a awesome elect lady who has just been waiting for the gospel. We meet with her on saturday and had an amazing lesson that was just so amazing and spiritual!!! We felt really prompted by the spirit to set her with a date for July 28 and feel really good about her making her date, this should be an exciting conversion to watch. I love it!!!
 Then our recent convert Jerri Vincent is doing so so great !!! Lately she has been taking care of a member from maryland, and it has been alot of stress on her so we were able to go give her a blessing, but the sister that she is taking care of is the one that introduced her to the church, she really hasnt been feeling well and just is emtionally going through a hard time and spiritually. And I dont wanna brag or boast in myself thats certainly not what i am doing , but the spirit was so strong as i gave her the blessing and exercised my priesthood, I am greatful for the spirit, i love heeding to its promptings, there has been a countless number of times on my mission where the holy ghost has guided me to know what to say. I listen and it seems to tell me what to say, it truely is amazing to listen and to follow its prompting and watch it effectour heavenly fathers children in such a powerful way, its amazing.
 So this week I read an awesome talk by Elder Henry B. Eyring from general conference called mountains to climb. He shared something that really stuck out to me.
"But President Monson has also wisely taught that a foundation of faith in the reality of those promises takes time to build. You may have seen the need for that foundation, as I have, at the bedside of someone ready to give up the fight to endure to the end. If the foundation of faith is not embedded in our hearts, the power to endure will crumble."
In this talk he talked alot about trials and why we have them and how we can overcome them, but  I know that if we put that faith in the priesthood and in the blessings we recieve we will not crumble. Remember to make sure you put that faith in all things. And i know that our father in heaven will be there to strengthen us and help us at all time. I am greatful for a loving heavenly father who is willing to support me through all my troubles and low times i am greatful for my davior who is there to lift me at all times.
 "The feeling of love from our Heavenly Father is like a gravitational pull from heaven. As we remove the distractions that pull us toward the world and exercise our agency to seek Him, we open our hearts to a celestial force which draws us toward Him." 
 "Heavenly father is aware of us, he knows that sometimes we need to hear words that have not been said. He has put the authority on the speak and act in his name through the gift of the priesthood. It is through this gift that we are able to have the ordinances that will allow us to return to our Heavenly Father, and it is also through this gift that we are able to be comforted and healed. Those who hold the priesthood have the ability to speak directly in Heavenly Fathers name to provide comforting words to those in need."
 I love these two quotes let us not forget the priesthood which has the power to provide comfort to us.
 I hopw my das and my grandpa and all the dads i know have had a wonderful fathers day , i am greatful for your loving examples to me thank you for the way you hold your priesthood and how much you teach me to become a better son and a better missionary. I hope my heavenly father know how greatful i am for him as a father, i know that he has always been there for me, he knows me , and he loves me. I love him and i am greatful that he is my father. Happy fathers day.
 I love you all so much i am greatful i get this opportunity to write you and share with you some missionary expereince. i wish i could tell you all how thankful i am for you and your support, i hope you have a great week and know i love you all.
                                                    love -
                                             elder chaz bentley                                             -moroni 8:3

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