Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19th, 2012

December 18th, 2012

hey family well this week should be exciting!! I hope you all have had a great week and your christmas is going well for you all!!
Well this week is pretty exciting because its the start of my last transfer!!!!! Transfers are this week, I am getting someone by the name of elder Wilcox he is from Tuscon Arizona that place sounds really familiar I have a feeling i am going to really love this kid especially from what my mission presidents been telling me so this should be great, good thing I am stayin here in good ol Vinton, ha so if you feel like sending a letter please do, if not bottle up your feelings and tell me in a couple weeks haha :)!! Well I am super happy to be stayin it should be legit I am just glad i dont have to pack, thank goodness. I think it was awesome to hear that brody got home great job CUZ, sounds like you tore it up out there, we will for sure have to sit down and catch up on good ol times in the miss. I hope your doin well dont take to many of the girls save some for me for when i get home haha i will see you soon buddy.
So this week I have been studying JEsus the Christ its a good book, very very deep i have yet to read it on my mission but if I read a chapter a day i could probably finish it before I go home thats my goal!! But I just love the things that I am learning about the savior, this week I have come to know that CHrist is the only one that could be born of an immortal father and a mortal mother. I know that christ went about to fufill his father in heavens will. I have also come to know more than ever that Christ is our Savior and that testimony grows more and more every day just by simple Being a missionary. I was talking with my companion this week and we this calling that we hold is the highest calling within the Church, the things we learn out here i could never learn back home. I just love it when I come to know my savior more and more everyday and it really puts that desire and that yearning to want to be like him. I just love this time of year so much that we have to re-commit or re-allign ourselves with christ, I love him and my father in heaven and I know that they love you so much!!
I hope my brothers and sisters retain in rememberance ( i love it when it says that in the scriptures) how much i love you great job nana in basket ball i know soon you will be able to dunk it over all the girls mom says your the best out there you great sister and your gorgeous stay away from the boys till after your mission , I love you sister and I love the spirit that you always have with you, CADE what up buddy you getting good at football i hear, you keep bein a good brother and setting a good example to your brothers and sisters i know i look up to you alot and i love how close you are to your heavenly father always pray cade, coda bug words cant define how much I freakin love you dude, you little stud out there playing basketball, i remember i got cut from the freshman team in basket ball i am proud of you your doing a great job coda remember that your preparing for your mission now if  you can go watch a mormon message called Staying within the Lines by jefferey R. holland, coda right now more than ever these years you prepare are so crucial for your mission coda i want you to be a missionary now which means becoming like the savior , coda just imagine how sweet it would be to convert one of your friends and baptize them before you left on your mission, i wish i could have baptized someone before my mission coda share the gospel and be an example now dont wait, be like the savior at all times, coda i love you and i justwant you to have the best mission when you grow up and i know that the decisions you make now will effect the people you come in contact with then. I love you brother so much. I love all of you family and friends so much and I really do wish I could have helped one of my friends come into the gospel before i left on my mission i really do. you all can do it especially this time of year just invite and have the missionaries do the rest, i love you all and pray for you everyday. This is going to be a great transfer I know it. Merry christmas and i am excited to talk my family next week!!
                                                                                                                love elder bentley
                                                                                                               moroni 8:3
Eliminate all self defeating, faith destroying,atonement denying, thoughts words and actions. mission tour 2012 Scott D. Whiting 

Monday, December 3, 2012

December 3rd, 2012

Family and Friends!! I hope you all are doing well, I sure do miss ya bein without family around the holiday can sure be tough some times but its great and ok when you know you are doing the right thing.
Well This week was kinda slow for us here we are working and working we walked basically everywhere this week it was sure crazy haha!! We had a couple cool experiences where we really felt like we needed to be in an area and in those areas 2 members stopped us 1 said that she was from california  and that she hadnt been to church in a while and she was looking to come back so we are excited to visit with her more she has a boyfriend whose a non member so we will see how it goes, and the other person we ran into was a member who has lived in our area for 6 months and she traveled every sunday 45 mintue drive to blacksburg for 6 months, thats a awesome member I tell you what, haha. We are working with a couple investigators we are really struggling trying to get them to come to church, I hate it when they dont come I  just wanna leave church and go drag them outta bed. But we are really trying to work hard I know the elect are out there I love this scripture which gives me more and more hope everytime I read it Doctrine and COvenants 29: 7
"and  ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect ; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts."
 I just hope aand pray i can find a family my mission president sent me a short letter and said "I know the Lord will bless you and open the opportunity to have a family." I just hope that will come true . I think that is the most wonderful gift i want this christmas is to find a family and there is no better feeling than bringing someone into the gospel so family and friends I would invite you to just include in your prayers for me this christmas.
Well  what a marvelous time of year it is to be a missionary. I pray that we will be filled with the spirit of christ and love this christmas season like my sweet grandma once told me what joy meant:
The christmas I remember the most at least I think it was christmas is one time my mom  made cookies to go deliver to people and me and one of my brothers and sisters went to go deliver it to people and we saw this lady who got outta her car and one of us said we should go give her a plate of cookies we got out and delivered it and tears just rolled down her face and she said something along the lines of " thank you, you will never know how much this means to me." she had a really hard day I know that we were led by the spirit to serve someone we never meet and it had a big impact. I know this christmas seasone we can serve that same way and make someones day.
I hope my grandma knows how much I love her I hope your doin well G MA keep getting better and look out for those reindeer they can be painful if you get run over by them haha. I sure do love ya and i am thinkin of you
I love you all so much, I hope that your having a great christmas season and I pray that it will be full of wonderful memories of serving others. I love you!!
                                                                                                                                      Elder chaz bentley
                                                                                                                                      moroni 8:3
Buddy the Elf: " Santa is coming there is so much to do!!"

November 26th, 2012

Well happy thanksgiving and merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you all had a great week and didnt get too Stuffed and can still move , I bet black friday helped out alot haha to work off the extra turkey!! Well I sure do love you all and I miss my family so much especially around this holiday season!!! But this is the best time of year to be a missionary I love it :)
Well We have had a preetty good week, We got fed 2 giant meals on thanksgiving , thank goodness we played football that day it helped out alot ahaha!!! We were able to teach some amazing spiritual lessons, one of our strongest points as a missionary is teaching , the spirit is so powerful whenever we teach its awesome!! But this week we were able to set a baptisimal date with one of our investigators, for january 5th she is just so solid its awesome!! I am still hoping to find a family to bring in, I have been praying really hard, I hope I can find them soon, I know they are out there!! But we have had a pretty good week here in Vinton.
I cant believe Christmas is coming up, I recently have been thinking alot about the Wise Men and I love what it say's in the scriptures about them. Another name that the wise men are reffered to as is "Magi", It says that "they were righteous men sent on an errand to witness the presence of the Son of God on the earth." Their spiritual capcity was evident they could see the star when others could not. They were led by the spirit to see christ. These were not ordinary men. They were prophets." These are things that it tells about them in the bible dictionary, I am always amazed just how much knowledge they had and how spiritually prepared they were. I truely believe they were Humble, I know that if we are humble to the spirit , it will lead us to christ.  I love to think of christmas as coming to Christ, just as the wise men and the shepherds did at the time of his birth. I think this is a great time to capture a vision and to Feel of our saviors love for everyone of us. I love my savior and I hope that I can bring gifts to him and thank him for all that he has done for me. I love this quote " WISE MEN STILL SEEK HIM" Remember to seek him this christmas season.
Well I hope maddy knows how much I love her happy birthday CUZ!! I cant believe your already 13 I promise you me and all the cousins will have to party when I get back home!! i love you
And I dont know how I could ever forget my dear aunt stacy, I love you so much I hope your birthday is just so flippen great, Your someone I look up to alot aunt stacy and I am so great that heavenly father placed you and maddy into my life I honestly dont know what I would do without you. I love you so much. I pray that your family is doin well, kayer and micah, reggers, trea and brecklyn, and uncle david. I lvoe you all so much , have a great birthday the best aunt ever I love you!!
Congrats on the QC BULLDOGS WINNING STATE i never though I would hear that in my life time, good job Bryce Oakes and John CAMMACK!!
"Well remember not to eat the yellow snow, always remember the 4 main food groups elves eat candy, candy canes, candy corns, and SYRUP"
-buddy the elf
I love you all have agreat week, and god bless each of you this holiday season.
                                                                                                                      -love elder chaz allen Bentley

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

Happy Turkey Day everyone!! Its such a great time to be a missionary. I hope you all are having such a great week and i hope that your families are all doing so well!
Well i got my new companion this week?! Elder Whitby, he is a hard worker, He is from Washington, grew up on a farm, great kid and has a strong desire to be here!! We were able to have a pretty good week this week, 'befire elder Clay left we were driving down this street and i saw this house and for a couple weeks everytime we drove by I have always wanted to knock on it, so we did it was so spiritual when we first talked to her, the prayer we left her with was so so amazing and so powerful and she said she was really needing something more in her life right now. Then we went back on Thursday with members and taught her, it was so powerful in that room, the spirit was overwhelming and I could just really feel how much God loved this lady. I know that god's elect are out there and we just got to find them.
Well this week I have been studying alot from the bible. And I am just going to summarize what stuck out to me this week, we all know that Christ went into Gethsemane and he told his disciples to stay awake and watch with him because his heart was heavy, and exceeding sorrowful. Matthew 26 :39
" And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, Let this cup pass from me : Nevertheless not as I will but as Thou wilt."
and from the next verse he prayed for at least 1 hour and went back 2 more times to pray. I just wonder what christ was praying for during that hour, I feel confident to say that he was praying for each and everyone of us. He knew us he loved , he know the trials, the sufferings , and everything we would face while in this mortal life , he loves you so much that he was able to walk and take the wieght of the world , during those lingering hard hours from the Garden to the cross. Christ does love you and I think it would have been so cool to be there with him during those moments.
I am thankful for a savior, and for our father in heaven who loves us unconditiionaly. I am thankful for my family I am great that we are sealed as a family and that we can be together forever. I am thankful for my mission and the people that I have been able to serve. I am thankful for blessings from our father in heaven. I am greatful to know that we have angels amoung us every where to lift us and bear us up in our time of need, I am thanful for the priesthood and a living prophet. I am thankful for all my many blessings and all that god has given. I challenge each of you to only give prayers of gratitude for this week and see how much you are greatful for .
I love you all I hope you have agreatt week I miss you and I hope you have a wonderful thankgiving. God bless you!!!
                                                                         Elder Bentley
                                                                 moroni 8:3

November 12, 2012

Well Big Gulps Huh? How are you all doin!! I hope your having a splendid week!! I tell you what its gettin cold here, BRR!!
Well transfers are this week, Elder Clay is leavin he is heading off to charleston, WV, I sure will miss the Elder!! But I am getting someone who came out at the same time as me, his name is elder Whitby!! I am stoked he is one of my good friends in the mission,we are goin to tear it up!! I am stayin in Vinton, man this is going to be a blast, I was hopin to train 1 last time but its ok:)!!
 Well these past 12 weeks have been so great!! I have loved serving with elder clayI tell you what he has taught me so much about he importance of bein humble,  I wish you all could hear this great missionary pray man I dont think there hasnt been a time i havent felt the spirit in his prayers, his prayers really sink down into the hearts of the people we meet on the doorstep, our investigators, and members. His prayers are so powerful. I have loved bein able to see how much Heavenly Father loves this missionary. I sure will miss serving with him, we really saw alot of miracles together, I really felt that if Christ was here he would have done the things that we did if we were, we ministered as if Christ was here. Its been absolutely amazing I hope that I can take the things I learned from this missionary and apply it to myself to help make me better. I  will sure miss my friend.
But There is still so much to do here in Vinton this work is exciting, I have a feeling our area is about to explode into something amazing , we are teaching so many people and hopefully soon someone will be ready for baptism, its been so awesome one of our investigators is like begging for us to always teach her she is so excited to learn and progress. This work is amazing and I am excited to see what the lord has in store for us here.
Well I will leave you all with my testimony, What a great time it is to be a missionary, especially around the holidays because you actually realize what you truely are greatful for. I dont think I could name all the things I am greatful for, there is just so much. But I am thankful to be a missionary, I am thankful for wonderful people that I have been able to teach and see come into this gospel, I LOVE THEM!! I just found out last week that one of my recent converts was preparing for a mission, He is coming along great. I am thankful for my family and freiends I love you all so dearly, I am confident that our family will be together forever, I am thankful for coventants and promises i get in return. I am greatful for a savior, I know that what christ went through he couldnt do it without the father. I am thankful for so many blessings the lord has given I these are the things that are most important to me that I am truely greatful for.
i hope that you all will have such a great week, and may we remember like president monson said "TO ALWAYS EXPRESS OUR THANKS". Love you and god bless you all.
                                                                                                                                                                               Elder Chaz Bentley
                                                                                                                                                                                moroni 8:3

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5th, 2012

WHAT UP FAM!! I hope you all have had such a great week!! We are doing great here in Vinton, the STORM didnt do any damage to us we are safe and sound here, so no worries!!
ALright so I will start off with something funny. This week I had the opportunity to play basketball, I was on an exchange with another missionary, and I was the only white guy playing basket ball, the missionary I was with iis not white haha, my companion walked in he was like "where is elder bentley and he was like ohh!!" It was funny. :)
Well This week we have worked really hard!! We are always so close to reaching the mission standard of excellence!!  We are just trying to find someone solid who is ready for this gospel, we are finding alot of people, but we cant really retain anyone so its been kinda hard lately, but we were able to find a SOlid new investigator who we meet a couple weeks ago we are hopimg to set her on date soon she is excited to learn!! we know Gods elect are out there and I really hope we can find a family soon!!!!! WE had a great halloween, we went around with one of our members to a bunch of TRUNK or TREATat these churches it was pretty fun!! It was a great halloween!!
Well I have grown to love the spirit so much more on my mission. Lately its been just on my mind how can anyone not be apart of this church or go in-active. IF I could I would shake them haha, There is a quote that my Grandma told me in a letter at the beggining of my mission.
" Be different from the world, in order to make a difference in the world." - Elder Neal A Maxwell
We got to be different, sometimes I feel like we only have our eyes in the world and sometimes we forget the eternal asspect of things, We got think where do we see our families at that last day when Christ comes again? Will he welcome us home, Will we have done all that he has commanded us to do? I hope that whatever questions he may ask we may answer with A FIRM YES, I hope that we will remember that its more that just living in this world , we can inherit eternal life, our lord is preparing mannsions for each of us!! I hope that we dont live in this world but that we continue to have our focus on eternal life!!!
I know that Thanksgiving is approaching fast and I thought of this thought, We all know the parable of the good samaritan, We know that 2 men passed by this guy who was lying on the ground , and didnt bother to stop or help, But we know that a Samaritan was able to stop for a minute and help this man who laid almost dead and took him to a place where he could clean him up and take good care of him. I am pretty sure that man was thankful for that samritan and I bet he didnt even know who helped him. I know we have a great privledge to reach out to those in need, I know that my father in heaven has been my good samaritan, he has been there to help me and care for me and provide many wonderful blessings just for. I love him I thank him and express gratitude for him for everyhing and knowing that I can live with him again. And I am so greatful to be able to live with him forever!!
Well I hope you al have had such a great week I pray that each of you are doing so well, I love you and may we all have a great thanksgiving. Transfers are next week, so ill email you all next tuesday i am hoping i can train 1 more time. I love you all have a great week. JUST KEEP SWIMMING!!

                                                                      -elder bentley
                                                                   moroni 8:3

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

October 29th, 2012

From: West Virginia Charleston Mission <>
Date: October 29, 2012, 3:17:30 PM MST
Subject: All Elders safe and accounted for.
Dear parents,

Just want you to know all of the elders and sisters are just fine.  The storm has had very little effect in our mission area. 


President and Sister Pitt

October 29th, 2012

BOOOOOO!!! Happy Halloween everyone I hope your week had been absolutely great!! I am just livin the dream over here in Vinton, its awesome!!
Well this week we have been working extremely hard, we came so close to achieving the mission standard of excellence, we were just missin someone at church!! But we will get it this week, we have so much to do. I feel like we are in an intense basketball game and we keep getting behind with short time left and we cant loose haha, this game is worth so much. 
This week Elder Whiting from the 70 visted our mission, He talked about DESIRE to do God’s work as He wants it done is important for us. He asked us some questions. What is the desire of YOUR heart? What is it you really seek after? Unusual missionaries are those who see visions in their hearts and minds as to where to go, what to say and who you need to find. He drew a continuum with the nature of Christ on one end and natural man on the other. Then he asked, “Where are you on this continuum?” and “Where would your parents put you, or your companion?” We do not have to stay where we are for the atonement allows us to change and move closer to where we want to go. After desire came OBEDIENCE. If you want the blessings, you have to be exactly obedient. This does not mean that we won’t make mistakes. This means we try the best we can to do everything asked of us . Next was FAITH. What precedes your faith? Think of times where you saw your faith manifest. Last was UNITY. John 17. Unity with Deity is most important. If you are struggling with your companion, he is struggling with you. Unity needs to be there with God, companions, the mission President, etc. Do a thorough examination of yourself. When we have all of these in place we will have POWER. We have authority; now we need power. If we align actions to desires, we will receive power to teach, to listen, and to love others.
Right before we headed out to lunch we sat for about 10 mintues and I prayed and I really desired to recieve some mad rev. (revaltion) for my self and 1 word came to my mind, LOVE. I though about the first week before I started traning, the 1st thing president pitt did was he came up to me, put his hand on my shoulders and said love your companion, LOVE is the motive in everthing we do. I hope that as I work on this that I will stregnthn that power that I carry as a missionary.
We have had a pretty great week. We were able to set  a lady date for baptism for January 26th. I really think she will get baptized sooner though!!! She came to our ward halloween party this Friday and I was talking to her and she said Her son who is on a mission in Arizona (he is serving in Heber) emailed her and said " MOM!! are you going to get baptized so we can go to the temple togather?" She said that she knows baptism is her next step, it sounds like she hasnt been taught very well so we are going to go through everything to help her understand. Elder Clay did a great job at extending a solid invitation to read the book of mormon, he is a great missionary and I have loved seeing his improvement in the work and how much he has grown. But I really feel like she will get baptized sooner!! Then we went out with our ward mission leader this week, we were trying people and we werent really finding to much success. But we decided to go to see this lady named Alba Hamilton and we had a great lesson, we were able to set her with a date for baptism for Jan. 26, i too feel like she could get baptized sooner. I guess her husband investigated or was a member we arent really sure but we are going to go through everything and help her understand , she knows that the book of mormon is true!!! We were able to find many investigators through harvesting, we have 2 solid people that we need to see this week so I will let you know how it goes, I hope that one turns out really well :)!!
So this week I heard of something called HARVESTING from president pitt, and we get to the door step and we tell people "we are sent here from God and we would love to leave a blessing with you and your home and find out why god has sent us here, then they willl invite us in and we will leave them with a prayer and right after we go in and say a prayer we will ask them Why do you think God has sent us here, if they preceed to ask more question after the prayer we will answer them, if not we will do what we wanted and then leave. But I had a pretty cool expereince the day I got asked to try this, it was late and we knocked on this door and this lady came, I gave the introduction and she immediately kneeled right down had no probleme with it at all, she told us after the prayer that she had a funeral for a loved one that had passed away that day , we offered to share more about the plan of salvation and we are lookin forward to going back again this week, the second time this happened a lady said I could never turn down a good prayer, and she is interested in learning more. I feel the powera nd authority in my calling eveytime I do this. The SPirit was so powerful on those door steps and its been a great opportunity to bear testimony. I love HARVESTING !!
Well I hope my dad knows how much I love him, HAPPY birthday , thank you for your wonderful example and everything I hope you have an amazing day. ilove you dad!!
I love you all so much I hope you dont have to much of a SCary week, may god bless you all and keeep you safe.
                                                                           -elder bentley

October 22nd, 2012

GIVE ME SOME FIN NOGGIN DUDE!!!!!!!!!! You all got some serious thrill isues dude haha :) how are you all doin!! I hope fine and dandy. .
Well  this week has been a pretty good week. Yesterday we had a great day at church, Our ward mission leader before he spoke decided to put me on the spot and make me go up and bear my testimony about missionary work. i guess it turned out good our bishop said last night, that he thinks he called me out because that is what invited the spirit was my testimony. Then the other day we were doing some things and I felt really prompted to go see one of our investigators who has cancer and might die soon. . . and we got over there and he needed help gettin up, his wife couldnt do it and he said man i wish those two boys would show up, next minute we knocked on his door, we went in and helped we know that heavenly father lead us there. We were able to pick up some new investigators this week. I am really hoping and praying that I can find a family, I have yet to find a family to bring into the church so if you all could help me out I would really love for you all to pray to help me with this. Its one of my goals I hope I can achieve before the end of my mission. But we are finding great success here. I am still learning so much and growings so much, I got alot to learn these next couple months!!
So I have been thinkin its football season and I love football stories and I thought this was pretty sweet so hope you alll like it its has a great thought behind it. .
When I was a young man in high school, one of my passions was American football. I played middle linebacker. The coach worked the team hard, teaching us the basics. We practiced until the skills became natural and automatic. During one play against our biggest rival, I had an experience that has helped me over the years. We were on defense. I knew my assigned opponent, and as the play unfolded, he moved to my right into the line of scrimmage. There was a lot of noise from players and fans. I reacted as the coach had taught us and followed my man into the line, not knowing if he had the ball. To my surprise, I felt the ball partially in my hands. I gave it a tug, but my opponent didn’t let go. As we tugged back and forth, amid all the noise I heard a voice yelling, “Packer, tackle him!” That was enough to bring me to my senses, so I dropped him on the spot.
I have wondered how I heard that voice above all the other noise. I had become acquainted with the voice of the coach during the practices, and I had learned to trust it. I knew that what he taught worked.
We need to be acquainted with the promptings of the Holy Ghost, and we need to practice and apply gospel teachings until they become natural and automatic. These promptings become the foundation of our testimonies. Then our testimonies will keep us happy and safe in troubled times.
I love the holy ghost I am greatful for its still small voice that whispers to us at any time, all we need to do is recgnoize it and I promise if we follow it we will be led to do what right, thats one of the biggest thing I have come to love on my mission is the promptings of the holy ghost!!
well we are excited for elder whiting to come we have alot to do to prepare, I hope youall have a great week. I love you and mis you. and may god bless you!!! thanks for everything !!

                                                                                                                                elder Chaz bentley moroni 8:3

Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15th, 2012

What up everyone!!! I hope you all are having an amazing week I am going to appologize ahead of time if this email is kind  of short but I will do my best to hopefully make it GREAT!!! I hope you and your families are doing well and i pray for the lords richest blessings to poured out upon you all!!
Well I will start out by sharing a little spiritual message with you I hope it  helps in some way. 
"most of us have not reached [a christllike] stage of compassion and love and forgivenes. it is not easy. it requires self-discipline almost greater than we are capable of. But as we try we come to know that there is a resource of healing, that there is a mighty power of healing in christ, and that if we are able to be his true servants we must not only exercise that healing in behalf of others, but, perhaps more importantly, inwardly." - gordon B. hinckley.
If there is one thing I have come to learn in this companionship its been truely becoming a diciple of Jesus Christ. I love the lyrics from this song.
"If the savior stood beside me would I do the things i do?
would I think I think of his commandments and try harder to be true?
Would I follow his example, would I live more righteously?
If I could see the savior standing nigh, watching over me.

If the savior stood beside me would I say the things I say?
Would my words be true and kind if he were never far away?
Would I try to share the gospel? WOuld I speak more revrently? 
If I could see the savior standing nigh watching over me.

He is always near me. though I do not see him there
and because he love me dearly I am in his watchful care.
so ill be the kind of person that I'd know I'd like to be.
If I could see the savior standing nigh watching over me. "
I am so greatful to be a representative of my savior, I love him and I pray that I will always be worthy to carry his name. I know that its not just me but I know that all of you who have been baptized represent our savior. I am so greatful for my saviors atoning sacrafice and that it allows me to be worthy to live with my father in heaven. I love this church it truely is great and such a blessin.
 Well this week we have been really busy we have "pounded the pavement" i guess you could say haha we are really trying to find some solid people to teach, we know they are out there!! So this week we were able to start teaching a family, we started teaching them on thursday and we had a pretty good lesson with them the lady was so stoked to come to church on sunday and then her fiance came with their baby and I guess the husband loved church, we are looking forward to teaching them this week and hopefully setting them with a baptisimal date. Then one of our other investigators that stopped us on the street a couple weeks ago we had an amazing lesson with him and his wife!! right now they are having some marrige issues and we had an amazing lesson where the spirit was just so powerful it was awesome. I really feel like the lord is placing those elect in our path. we are truely starting to be blessed with wonderful people to teach. Our mission is getting pretty stoked to have Elder Whiting come next week so we have been preparing alot for that.
Well I love you all so much I pray that you all will have such a great week, thank you for your prayers in behalf of this work it truely is moving forward and it would be impossible without you. But there is so much more to do!! I love you all so much continue to pray for those missionary opportunities!!!!! I love ya!! oodles!!!

                                                                                                                             -elder bentley
                                                                                                                             moroni 8:3

Friday, October 12, 2012

October 8, 2012

Wow what a great  spiritual week its has been!!!!! I hope you all have had a great week please always remember how much I love you and your father in heaven loves you. Its always hard to email after an amazing spiritual general conference.
But Ill start off this email by sharing with you some of the things I have learned that will change my life forever. One of them was about the priniciple of becoming I have come to love this principle. I know that my mission is not centered on me but I know that its helping others know what they can become. I love  President Monson shared in preisthood session about the missionary who saw alot of success on his mission and one of the general authorities asked him how did you do it? and he said I saw everyone as our father in heaven sees them In white!! . I loved the quote by Elder Osguthrope " to be converted requires us to do and to become. " I pray that we will se others as what heavenly fathers sees them as I know that this is merely how christ works through us to help other people.
So This week has been kinda slow but full of amazing wonderful Expereinces, we were able to meet with one of our investigators yesterday and have an amazing lesson!! It was impossible to not feel the spirit it was absolutley amazing!! We were sad that he didnt come to conference but it was just an amazing lesson. Before I even got done extending the invite he said ya of course haha it was awesome. We read alma chapter 36 which describes alma's conversion story. . I have come to love the scripture Alma 36:27
And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea, and in all manner of afflictions; yea, God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me.
this week were able to visit with one of our members and as you know we replaced sisters when we got here and this member told us you got some big shoes to fill. But we were visting with these members this week and they said you all dont even know how much you have helped us with the spirit you carry. It blesses our home and we have made so many changes since you all got here that have helped our family draw so much closer to the lord, I came to know that my mission is more that just maybe reaching out to investigators and less- actives but we are really called to bless members lives as well. This week has been absolutely amazing and I have loved these sweet feelings of the spirit so much.
I just want to send a quick birthday shout out to my dearest aound mar-man I love you. Thank you for your supporting emails that you send to me. I wish i could be there for your birthday and show you how us elves party :) I love you mar man and am so greatful for you and the blessing you are.
Micah whats up my man, can i just start off by telling you how much your heavenly father loves you, more than you will ever know. your an amazing cousin and friend. I know that our savior jesus christ lives and that joseph litteraly saw what he said he saw. I have been blessed so much to serve the lord and felt his love for me grow, and i know that any young man will come to feel that as they serve. I dont know where I would be without my mission. I hope you have an amazing birthday buddy, you just keep on keepin on. I love ya.
Thank you bishop oakes for a wonderful email that was awesome bein able to hear from you, hope your family is doing well and I hope you know how greatful I am for you and your example. 
I hope Uncle Randy your doing well your defintily in my thoughts and prayers!!keep breathing, DONT YOU GO DYING ON ME!! haha
Coda hope your neck gets better so you can play some football great job at bein undefeated!! Cade great job at your football game your a stud keep getting sacks. Cade I challenge ya for however many tackles you get in your games you have to read that many verses in the book of mormon by yourself :)
I love you family and friends so much I hope you have an amazing week and may we all become better diciples of our lord and savior jesus christ. I love you have a great week and god bless.

                                                                                                                        -elder chaz bentley
                                                                                                                 moroni 8:3

October 2, 2012

Family and friends, top of the morning to you all!! I hope your week has been PEACHY (or good). With confenrence approaching things are just exciting and fun here. I love you all and am stoked to tell you about my week!!!
 Well football was fun by the way last week, found out I am still a pretty good quaterback for flag football I got wait for the TURKEY BOWL this year haha:) Well like I said with conference apporoaching we are handing out a ton of conferece invites, we handed out 77 in one day!!! we set the record until friday, the sisters are of course better ;) they handed out 400. I was a little bummed but we will do better this week. We had an awesome expereince while handing out these invites the night before we set a goal to get 30 we were left our car parked at our apartment and we prayed numerous times within 5 minutes to accomlish this goal of 20 within 10 minutes we talked to 10 people we ran into a lady on her front porch who really needs the gospel, then we were just talking to this guy who ended up turning down our card and we turn around and there was this guy sitting in his truck parked he asked us what we had to give him, we said we feel really impressed that this book of mormon is for you!! He said thank you we invited him to confernce he is coming on SUnday and he said he is really looking for something more in his life, more happiness i guess lately he has been going through alot of struggles but that day I gained a testimony that the lord places people in our path I know he does and what were the chances to have that happen within 1 hour amazing how the lord works in mysterious ways, we ended up going back to this guys house that we meet in his car and we extended to him a baptismal date for November 10 and he said YES. So that made our week pretty exciting!
Our mission is getting pretty excited to have a general authority come to our mission this month. I am just loving this work so so much. This week we were at a members house and it came time to share a spiritual message and I felt impressed to watch this video come to find out it was exactly what they needed and they are preparing for the temple and satan has been working on them hard. I know that throught the spirit we can come to know what others need to bless their lives. I am so greatful for this wonderful week which has been such a blessing, I am greatful for a wonderful companion who is helping improve daily and helping me become more like my savior jesus christ. I am so great that my life is so blessed and I pray that I can just give it my all at all times. didnt get out to much this week I was sick all day friday , the cold brought me down and wore me out but I am back on top of everything and feeling a ton better!!! 
Well I just wanna send a shout out to my dad Todd, dad I love you more than you will ever know. I am so greatful for all that you do to support me and help me. I hope your doin well and that work is going good. I hope your birthday is great. I love you dad your my example and i will always look up to you. have a great day!!!
It was good to hear from my parents that Marty and Sue made it to Arizona safe, congrats on selling your house, I hope the Packers are doing good this year. I cant wait to see you all and visit with ya. I hope you are doing well and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
 Well I got the best family and friends in the world I love you all so much, there isnt anything I wouldnt do for you I hope you have a great week and I hope you all are remembering to pray with us at 1:00 our time for our mission to find the ELECT we are going to have a white christmas. I love you all!!!
                                                                                                                                -elder bentley
                                                                                                                           moroni 8:3

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

family and friends whats happenin!! Well i hope your week has been so great!!! I know that it has been a great week for us here in the Vinton area !!! I love you all and i sure do miss you!!!
This week we had a BAptism!! Jeremy our investigator got baptized it was awesome haha he was singing and dancing before his baptism he was so excited. My testimony has grown so much these past 5 weeks, i know that the lord is preparing people EVERYWHERE no matter where we go we can find the elect!!!!! Elder Clay had the great opportunity to baptism, i think most of  my happiness comes from seeing others happy it gives me the excitement to keep going!! But the work doesnt stop we got alot of more work to do here in Vinton we are going to help this place be the top baptizing area in the mission haha. I am so greatful to be able to be here I know that my father in heaven knows me and exactly what I need I am greatful to be in the service of Gods children and I know that this work is true!!
I wanted to send a quick shout out to my good friend Ashley Cox I hope you have an amazing BIrthday !!! you sure are awesome and I hope you are having a blast in Hawii!! Wish I could go there haha. Well I hope you have an amazing day ashley. thank you for everything . love ya friend!!
Well I love you all so much I am sorry this email is so short but we are going to play football with other missionaries. But I just want you all know to know that I love being able to serve! I love my recent converts and how much they have strengthed my testimony , I feel like I have been converted on my mission. I know that through a young boy we have the resstored gospel and we hold that priesthood to bless the lives others. I love my family so much I miss them and they mean the world to me. I love you all and I hope you have such a great week and that its full of blessings!!!
                                                                                              elder bentley
                                                                                     -moroni 8: 3 

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 17, 2012

Well howdy everyone!!!!! I hope everyone is having a super duper week. Its true the saying,  days feel like weeks and weeks feel like days. Everything is just a blur a cant seem to keep up with time there is just so many people to baptize and so litttle time to do it haha. But I hope your doing well and have had a spledid week!!!
Well one of our investigators is hopefully getting baptized on Sunday!!!! I tell you what missionary life is just so exciting there is nothing better than bein here in Vinton, Va serving!!! I am loving every minute of it. We got so much work to do this week!!! This week we were doin alot of finding we really needed to build up our teaching pool and we still have alot more finding to do hopefully we can set more baptisimal dates and see another baptism here shortly, i stil havent been able to see a family come into the church thats somethingI really want to happen before the end of the mission. So recently in our mission we have started praying at 1 o' clock to find the lords elect!!!!! So if any of you wanna join our mission to help us have a White Christmas pray at 1 o'clock and thats eastern standard daylight time haha. Yesterday we got stuffed we had 3 meals within a 4 hour time spand it was crazy it was like it was thanksgiving or something haha.
Well I want to congragulate my sister savannah for becoming the Beehive president , nana love and serve those young women with all you got and make sure that they have a friend and that they come to church do something nice for them love them. your amazing sister and I know you will do so great I love you nana so much your the best.
Well this week I dont have too much to say but ill leave ya with a short little testimony!! I know that this church is true, I am greatful for the prophet joseph smith who saw God the Father and his son Jesus Christ, I know that he was confused and joseph found his answer through the scriptures then he went into the grove of tress and knelt and prayed to our father in heaven. Its interesting that satan tried to keep him from praying because he knew that this 14 year old boy was going to change the world, he was going to change lives. I know that satan is going to keep us from doing the right thing because he sees what we can become and he is going to keep us from becoming something great. I love the boy, prophet. I know that my redeemer lives he loves you more than you will ever know. I am great to be a missionary for this church. Let us always remember to stand as a witness of God at all times , in all things and in all places. I love you all so much I hope you have a great week!!!!

                                                                                                                           love elder bentley
                                                                                                                        -moroni 8:3

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 27th, 2012 / ONE YEAR!

Well Family and friends hello!!!! I hope you all are doing so so welland i hope your week has been so great. I think of you all and pray for you all often and I miss you!!!
Well as you all know I got transferred and I am training for the 3rd time on my mission now. I am training Elder Clay he is from Hurricane, Utah. He is very quiet, doesnt really talk to much but hopefully that can change but he certainly has a big smile on his face when something good happens. Well we got to the new area on wednesday the apartment and car are in really good shape its great to not bein in a house with mold haha I guess sisters are just more cleaner than us elders are. The area over all is pretty good, but there is alot of work to do, there is about 40+ part member familes in our area, and sisters have barley knock any doors here so there is a ton of stuff to do.
So these 1st couple of days of training have been a bit tough, not sure if I was going to be able to do it I thought to myseld man these are going to be a long 12 weeks, but I was able to learn so much from stake conference this weekend that helped me so Saturday night my companion and I went to the saturday night adult session. And Elder William R. Walker whose in the 1st quorum of the 70 and elder Jeffery Olson whose an area 70 came to call a new stake president. Elder Walker told many stories about President Monson, and how he is filled with the attributes of Christ, especially his genuine caring nature.  He said as they were leaving a temple dedication and Pres. Monson was walking by one of the sealing rooms, he waved to everyone seated in that room and then stopped.  He noticed a person in a wheel chair over in the corner, and walked directly over to him.  He put his hand on his head and spokes quietly to him for a few minutes.  It was exactly what Jesus would have done.  Another time the wife a mission President, who had come by invitation to the temple ground breaking in Rome, had Parkinson’s disease and her hands shook quite a bit.  Her husband held her one hand and she put the other one behind her as they met President Monson.  But President Monson took her hand in both of his and gentle kissed it.  Again, something the Savior would have done.Acquiring the attributes of the Savior is a life- long goal, but one that we should be about every day of our lives. After the session I was able to recieve one of the sweetest blessings from my mission president. In the blessing he told me that the lord accepts my mission. He told me of these stories and it made me think how for this short time I have the opportunity to be like the savior to leave the 99 to help the 1. I felt comfort from my heavenly father and I know I can do this. I am greatful for this opportunity which I have to come to know my savior more. Then on sunday the spirit was so strong while calling a new stake president. They talked about how Thomas S. Monson is always happy and always has a smile on and he is caring the weight of the world on his shoulders so I have no excuse not to be happy. I am excited to train elder clay he is a great missionary and has a strong desire to always share his testimony, I am excited to help this missionary know that he can become something great. I AM GREAT FOR THE PRIESTHOOD and the power it has to calm a troubled soul. Then the last thing I learned was There are three manifestations of pure revelation found in the Lord’s Church.  One is in the giving of Patriarchal Blessings.  The second is found in the calling of missionaries, and the third is the calling of stake presidents. I am so greatful to know that we have revelation again on this earth today and that this church is directed by Jesus Christ himself. What an amazing gift we have. So we were able to pick up a solid new investigator this week I cant wait to go back and meet him and begin teaching him. There is so much to do I am excited!!!!
So my adress is:
951 E. Cleveland Ave. #112
Vinton, Va 24179
I hope you have an amaazing birthday Jordan I love ya brotha, Cant wait to see ya and hang out with ya again shortly. I love you buddy andI cant believe in 1 year you will be out here serving man I am jealous. Happy birthday bud.
Well I hope my mom and dad and brothers and sisters know how much I love them. I love you all and and I miss every single one of ya I  hope you all have an amazing week. I love you!!!!
elder bentley
moroni 8:3

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 20, 2012

Well HELLO!!! I sure do hope you all are doing well, I sure do love and miss all of you. Well I am going to appologize ahead of time that this email is short. I dont have to much time today we are super busy as always!!!
But the most exciting news is I am leaving Clarksburg, WV and heading down to Vinton, Virginia tomorrow. And I am going to be training a new missionary for the 3rd time!!!!! I am so excited I will no longer be a zone leader so this should be sweeter than wheat!!! But I sure will miss this wonderful place and the many blessings I have been able to be apart of here. Beign able to be apart of Jerri Vincent conversion has been really amazing and she will  be someone I truely miss and and I cant wait for her and her family  can go to the temple to be sealed i know that she will be there someday. I am greatful for the missionaries I have been able to serve amoung here and the lessons they have taught me I hope that I have served them well. I am greatful for 2 wonderful companions I had here I have surely learned so much from the both of them and have taught me so so much and helped me become more of whata my father in heaven wants me to be. The blessings of beign apart of this work is amazing. I love it and I will sure miss serving In clarksburg Wv!!! So yesterday and today we have been moving into a new house its tought to find the time to do anything because there is so much junk to move outta this old house !!! But me and my companion will be getting doubled in on wenesday probably will be ealking around with our heads cut off for the first couple of weeks haha. we are moving into a sister apartment so hopefully its nice haha :).
But I hope my brother Coda had a great birthday I love you buddy and i cant wait to see ya soon.
And PAPA happy birthday larry , i hoep you get R DONE and I hope you have an amazing day , love ya pops
But like I said this email is hort and I am sorry I cant wait to email you all next week and I will send you all the adress. I love you all , and dont send any lettters to clarksburg!!!
I love you all have a great week!!!
elder bentley

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 13, 2012

Hey ya all i hope you have had such a great week.I hope you know how much I miss you all. THank you for those who take the time to read these emails and i just hope it helps in some way, shape, or form.
 Well to tell you all a little about our week we were able to reach the mission standard of excellence again, it was a challenge but we did it with the lords help, now we are just looking forward to a baptism!! We really want to get one soon so this week we are going to do our best to get a solid baptisimal date :). I'll let you know how it goes!!!! We are hoping that our zone will have 6-7 baptisms byt he end of this month. Honestly I dont care if I baptize at all, I care more about the missionaries I serve that have struggling areas and rough companionships bein able to see a baptism. Its the only way missionaries grow and progress,  because they grow with their converts. I love being in the service of these missionaries. I cant even imagine how a stake president and bishop would feel watching over a stake or a ward. But I have come to gain more of an excitement for the work this week, FAMIlY and Friends we need your help. Our family needs to be baptizing family!!! Did you know that a members most important job is to have a social conversion with people!!! thats it, you invite missionaries will teach. Set goalsor plans in your families to find missionary opportunities, Talk with people just open your mouth, I tell you what the last thing I look forward to is tracting I hate it I would rather be teaching all day, but we cant find em alone we need your help. Develop and pray for that excitement of missionary work, this is fun, Its fun bringing our borothers and sisters into the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that if we do we can help in this great work. Ihope my family will get started and develop this excitement. :)
So I have a pretty funny story  yesterday in church I got asked to lead music. Because the choirster had to sit with her kids. So they chose someone who didnt know how to do it. Well it came time for the first song I was so nervous  I started leading and I did so bad THe piano person kept slowing down and then speeding up because she was going off my lead haha. But I was able to muster through all 3 songs, Everyone was laughing, I hope I never have to lead music for a calling haha it was great !!!!
 So this week I have a little spiritual thought, I am pretty sure we have all heard of the movie called finding nemo. In this movie it talks about 2 fish a Father and his son and The son Nemo got dared to go touch this boat his friends pure pressured him so he did it, but his dad was there the whole time telling him not do it, But because nemo dis obeyed he got taken. His dad went through numerous things just to get his son back. I know that is exactly like our father in heaven, Our father in heaven loves us so much That he will go through any thing just to help us return to him. But we have to obey we have to keep his commandment we have to put in our efforts to do what it takes to return to him. I know that our father heaven and our savior Jesus Christ love you. Remember to Repent and Keep Swimming!!!, and i know that its only throught the gospel that we can endure to the end.
 I hope Coda , Nana , Craig , Jordan, Dallas, Papa, and everyone else hope I didnt miss any one , HAPPY BIRTHDAy I love you all so much and I hope you know i love ya.
And chase I hope you do good at byu I sure do look up to ya still Love ya cuzz and you will be an apostle in no time haha :)
I love you all so much I hope you have an excellent week, I wont email till next tuesday since next week is transfers. LOVE you all !!!
love elder bentley
moroni 8 :3

August 7, 2012

Well hello everyone this week we are busy busy busy!!!! Never can get time to slow down haha always in a rush or something its crazy!!! But I hope you all are doing so so well. I love you all and am thankful for all that you do to support me and my family.
Well to start off we finally got a new HOUSE !!!!! we are moving out of that jungle that we live in. It will be nice to finally not breath in mold, but this other house that we are getting is HUGE its bigger than the one we have now. 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths living room, 2 kitchens and a basement its outstanding, we are hoping to move in sometime next week, so If you all could wait till i get you a new adress that would be great. I might not even get it to you till the week after because transfers are coming up on august 22. Ill keep ya posted about what happens. But we are so excited to move out into something bigger!!!
 So this week has been so so exciting!!!! My wonderful recent convert sister vincent bore an amazing testimony in sacrament meeting and zone conference. She is truely such a great blessing and now she is working in the FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY and is so excited to go to the temple. I love all my recent converts so much I dont think they will ever know how greatful I am  for them.
So this week we have done so much planning We learned alot about faith hope and charity. we taught things I thought i would never be able to teach I am so greatful that the spirit is able to help you know what to say when you are in need of it.
well nothing new happened this week besides all that. I hope my grandma mclaws is doing so well I hope she has an amazing BIRTHDAY and whoevers birthday I have missed HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I love you grandma so much I pray for you always.
Mom I love you , I hope my brothers and sisters are doing so well in school i love and miss them so much!!! I hope my dad knows how greatful I am for him I love you dad so much thank you for all you do to keep me strong and faithful on a mission. I love you dad.
I appologize to everyone if I havent been able to write you I promise to do my best to write you back soon I love ya thank you for all that you do once again. I hope you have a great weeek!!!!
                      elder bentley
                  moroni 8:3 

Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, 2012

well Hello family and friends. What a fantastic week it has been for us here in DUB VEE!!! I love this work so much, if I could I would just go on a mission for the rest of my life. Truely is amazing to be apart of this great work. Well I hope you all had a great week as well.
 So this week in our companionship we were able to set 4 new people with a baptisimal date that was exciting, we have made it a goal in our compaionship to just start inviting people to be baptized. This work is just so exciting and we are really stoked to be apart of it :). We are hoping to start teaching a family this week :) and we will pick up 3 new people and set them on date as well. As a mission we are hoping to get 30-40 baptisms next month so we are trying to excite all the elders in our zone, we are going to do our best to make this the best month within our zone. :) I am having a blast in this great work. We get fed so great here in Clarksburg, I feel like every meal is a thanksgiving meal, haha!!!!! I still cant believe I have been out for 18 months doesnt feel like that at all. I love this work so so much and I know there is nothing better I could be doin right now than bein here servin a mission. yesterday i had to give a talk in church i was a little nervous because i hadnt had spoken in front of that many people in a while my  talk was on scripture study. I hope everyone liked it i did my best with what I had haha. I sometimes wish my mom was there to whisper in my ear what to say and have pictures when i give my talk haha just jokin but I enjoyed preparing it and I have come to know that scripture study as families and as individuals is so important. Make it a habbit and simply set that time aside everyday.
 So this week is my moms birthday , mom I just want you to know that I love you so much your such an amazing mom and you matter so much to me and I wish so bad I could be there on this special day for you. thank you for always bein such a great example to me and helping me through everything , you are truely a blessing to me directly from my father in heaven, I know that heavenly father places angels in our lives and I know that you are one those angels in my life  you amazing mom and dont ever forget that I love you to the moon and back. Happy Birthday.
 I just want my grandma to know that I love her so much , I know that heavenly father will support you in all things. I love you grandma and I am always praying for you, thank you and papa for all you do I know you are such a blessing to my life you are an angel to :) i love you mamaw have such a great week.
 I know with all my heart that heavenly father places special people in our lives I am so blessed to have all of you in my life to help me I am greatful to be that support to other people and to help other families be together for eternity.
 Well if there is one thing I have come to know this week is that studies are so crucial for a companionship and individuals to grow and learn. without the studies of the scriptures and without studies as a family its harder to overcome harderships and situations . But Its such a blessing to me and my companion and it really builds us and helps us in the things that we face in this work. I loves serving with my comp. I am having a blast learing new ways to work and to build myself as a missionary. with our 2 differet work ethics we are doing great and marvelous things. I know that this church is true, I have so much gratitude for my father in heaven for the many blessings he gives me. I am greatful that I am worthy to hold a current temple reccomend and to be a priesthood holder at this time. I love you all so much and i pray that you all will have such a great week and know. Thank you so much for everything !!!!
                                                                                                                -love elder bentley
                                                                                                             MoRoNi 8:3

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 16, 2012

Family and Friends, howdy!!!! I hope you all are having such a great week, things are just peachy here in the good ol Dub Vee.
 Lets see nothing to much happened this week. Well the house that we live in is in pretty bad shape we are hoping to move out soon therer is mold and mushrooms growing in our shower, which is makin us all sick!!! Our toilet is broken in one of our bathrooms. Things are just messy and gross, we only have to window air conditioners which barely help so its always hott in our house. I think the only worse thing that could happen is our porch will get all messed up in a tornado, but we are hangin in there with a smile haha :). This week we were able to pick up some new investigators, The wife is so willing to be baptizzed if she could, the husband has a tough time with the spirit I fell like we were able to break through his was near the end of our lesson and we really made him feel the spirit just by bearing testimony. I know with a testimony it can break down any wall at any time and really can sink down into the hearts of people just by our testimonies, we really left this guy pondering it was sweet and we can wait to go back!!!! We are really working with a couple people right now I hope we can see another baptism soon , I really want one that elder makemsoon and I taught. Nothing much else new just excited our recent convert jerri vincent is back she is awesome and so is her family hopefully we will be able to baptize her daughter and her husband.
 so this week I have a little spiritual insight on prayer that one of my good friends on my mission showed to me. So this week I have been working alot on trying to improve my prayers, so recently my friend sent me a package of jolly ranchers and said that before I pray I need to stick one in my mouth and dont end my prayer till the candy is melted. my friend promised me that I would have more meaningful prayers and that I would feel closer to god. I certainly do feel that way and I am more and more greatful for time i have to talk to my heavenly father. I love this quote on prayer.
 " prayer is the key that unlocks every door of difficulty. but a key is not only to be once a day; its to be used everytime you come back to a locked door."
I hope that we can all talk with our father in heaven at anytime and take the time and the effort to draw closer to him. I love my father and I know he is there for every single one of us.
I hope my grandma and papa know I love them and how great ful I am for all you do for me, I love you both so mucch!!!
Aunt mar man I love you sweatie, I love you and ticky so much and i miss you alot know that i think of you often.
I hope the Mosers know I love you all thanks for the letters you all are such a great family and i miss ya I will for sure right ya all back soon.
YOu all are seriously the best family and friends ever i love you I appreciate you and am so great ful for all of you, I hope you all have such a great week. I love you !!!!
love elder bentley
moroni 8:3
p.s nana good job at your testimony sister your going to be a great missionary :)

July 10, 2012

Whats Up EVERYONE!!!!!!! Well Fist off I love you all so so much. Its Tuesday and this week is transfers but thank goodness I am staying here in Clarksburg, I hate packing its  the worse thing ever, I hope to stay here for the rest of my mission so I never have to pack again haha. But I hope you all have had such a great week and I sure do miss ya, i guess you just never know how big of an impact your family and friends have on you until your away. I am so greatful for you all!!
 Anyways this week has been a pretty great week for us here in Clarksburg, we came so close to achieving the mission standard of excellence( or goals) but we are hoping to achieve it this week. This week our companionship has gotten blessed with some more awesome investigators!!!! An area that has been shut down has no missionaries so this week we had to drive to that area and go teach this awesome couple who are hoping to get baptized on the 25 of August!!!! We were able to set him with a date over the phone and we are so excited to get another baptism within the next month!!!! We are hoping to start getting some new investigators to start working with and hopefull our teaching pool will build.
I wanna send a shout out to my brothers and sisters.
Coda cade savannah and shaders!!! i love you all so much. you all are amazing brothers and sisters. I think of you all often and i cant wait to come home and have a blast with you!!! Coda I cant wait to come home and help you prepare for your mission remember coda to do whats right, love you family so much dont let a day go by where you dont say " i love you" to your brothers and sisters and mom and dad, trust me when you are outhere your family really means so much to you so dont let a day go by that you regret because you forgot to put your family first and love them. NANNA BANNA i cant believe your at girls camp, i hope nana that you carry that excitement to always be worthy to go threw the temple I cant wait to go with you and do baptisms for the dead when I get back. Your an amazing sister savannah and I love how you serve everyone in our family and treat them with so much kidness. I love you sister!!! Cade you better be gettin good at basketball I cant wait to beat you, i play every tuesday and thursday, gotta say last week I had a pretty good game I made 8 shots had 10 rebounds and 3 stuffs back to back to back, so i will teach you how to play when i get home, but cade you read and pray everyday before you go to school, your days will be so great if you do that. I love you cade your a great brother and know that i miss you. Shaders you little stinker I love you so much!! MUFASSA!!!!! be good dont be bad!!!! and stop getting so big :) or else i wont have a little sister anymore. I love you shaders thank you for the picture of the little mermaid its hanging on my wall. Mom and dad I love you and thank you for all you do for me. I miss my mom so much, i really do miss her telling me what i need to do to be better and fix, I just love my mom she is my best firend and you matter so much to me. your the greatest blessing from my heavenly father!!!! Dad I love you so much, the example you have set for me still plays a big role on me out here on my mission, I know that you and mom will make a awesome senior couple and i know that the mission president will love you whenver you choose to serve. Dad Thank you for always bein here for me, i trust you so much and am greatful that you are my dad. 
 I love my family we are together forever and I know that we will live with our father in heaven and its our job to help each other return and be worthy to live with our hevenly father. I am so greatful for a wonderful plan of happiness I am greatful for the wonderful blessings of the gospel, I love the temple, I love my mission, I love bein a missionary, I am thankful for blessings, covenants and ordinances. I am greatful for my savior, my weakness and my father in heaven who is always there for me. I am greatful for wonderful companions who have changed my life and helped me so much and are willing to deal with all my problemes that I have. . I hope i am not a tough companion to get along with. I am thankful for the people I meet everyday and for the opportunity I have to share my testimony with them. I love my recent converts and I am thankful for all these things. and so much more. I truely am in debt to my father in heaven. i love what i have and i should never ask for more. these things make me happy they complete me and bring me the most happiness . 
I love you all so very much, i am pretty sure these emails probably gett tiring after a couple weeks of reading after I say the same thinngs again haha, I hope to have better email for ya all next week and I hope you have such a great week and may god bless you all!!! 
                                                                                                                       -love elder bentley 
                                                                                                                 moroni 8:3